Chickens and Coral Snakes

Ok, this may be my only post about snakes. I know some people pull back just from seeing pictures of them. Most rural families I’ve visited have chickens. I am told one of the benefits of having chickens around the house is that they eat baby coral snakes. This keeps the poisonous snake population down and makes life around the house a little safer. Although coral snakes are one of the most venomous snakes in the world, very few people are actually bitten because they tend to stay away from people and activity. Because they are rather shy, keeping the yard free of debris and vegetation helps too. They don’t like to wander out into the open. But for the baby corals that wander too close, the chickens are there to gobble them up.

You may have heard the saying, “Red against yellow, kill a fellow; red against black, friend of Jack.” used to distinguish the coral from similar colored nonvenomous copycats. But the species that lives in Northern Honduras has only red and black rings.




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